Cloud computing and software-as-a-service (SaaS) allow your business to access the latest technologies instantly, so you only pay for the services you use. Cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS) implement the latest security features to ensure your company benefits from these cloud services with the lowest possible risk. 

Here’s how migrating to AWS helps to modernise your work environment while keeping it secure from the latest threats.

Key Benefits of Migrating to AWS

Whether you operate a small-to-midsize or a larger business, migrating to AWS provides your company with a comprehensive suite of tools to enhance security, including:

  • Enhanced Security Across the Board

Migration to AWS means benefitting from Amazon’s comprehensive security features. Security methods include firewalls, data-at-rest and data-in-transit encryption, and high-strength cryptographic algorithms to protect your data from theft and intrusion.

Amazon AWS approaches security from a multi-layered principle as part of its Well-Architected Security pillar. All elements of the cloud stack, from the physical data centres to the software running the network, have their own security systems.

  • Decentralisation of Endpoint Device Relevance

Migrating your business data to AWS means that the endpoints (your local devices) no longer need to host critical data and business resources. Everything that matters to your organisation is on the cloud, stored in AWS data centres remotely, reducing the risks associated with device theft or damage. 

The primary benefit of this approach is to reduce the need to invest in security hardware and software locally. Other advantages include mitigating the risks of local IT failures and making it possible to securely access your data from any device, helping support remote, hybrid, and distributed workforces.

  • Improved Control and Management

With AWS, you have access to a broad range of tools to control and manage access to your data:

  • Identity Access Management (IAM) lets you create user profiles to control which organisation members have access to what data and resources.
  • AWS CloudTrail monitors user activity for suspicious behaviour and provides the tools to meet compliance requirements with your industry’s regulatory standards, such as SOC, HIPAA, and FedRamp.
  • AWS Config details your AWS resource inventory and helps ensure their configurations comply with your desired security guidelines. It also alerts you if any changes are made, ensuring you can quickly review them and respond accordingly.

Start Your Secure AWS Journey Today

Complete your business’s transition to Amazon Web Services with the cloud experts at WOLK. Contact us today to learn how we can help you build a safe, secure, and efficient work environment with AWS.