VIDEO SERIES – An Overview of the AWS Well-Architected

In this educational series video, Wolk’s CEO goes into exactly what a Well Architected Review is and how it can benefit your business. The best part? For many, a Well Architected Review can be a cost neutral exercise that saves you big in the long run.

Work With an Experienced AWS Partner
WOLK Technology understands better than anyone else that today’s workflows must perform as expected around the clock, without interruptions. For this reason, we offer tailored solutions to help ensure your AWS business is secure, reliable, and free of unnecessary risks. Contact us today for more information.

An Overview of the AWS Well-Architected Tool

The Amazon Web Services Well-Architected Tool (AWS WA Tool) is an Amazon cloud service designed to aid you in documenting and measuring your workloads with a high degree of accuracy. The primary purpose of this tool is to provide specific guidance according to the principles of the Well-Architected Framework.

The AWS WA Tool is free and available to all AWS users through the Management Console. Here’s an overview of the WA Tool and how it works.

Workload Definition
The AWS WA Tool is designed to provide consistent and accurate measurements of your workloads, document your workload decisions, and provide recommendations to improve efficiency.

However, before the WA Tool can provide you with data, you must first define your workloads by following a few essential steps. If you manage multiple workloads, repeat these steps for each one that applies.

Workload State Documentation
Once you have defined the workload, the tool will ask you a series of questions to learn about your needs and practices according to the six pillars of the Well-Architected Framework. These six pillars are operational excellence, security, reliability, performance efficiency, cost optimisation, and sustainability.

Framework Lens and Improvement Plan
The AWS WA Tool will review the data you entered in the previous steps and identify potential vulnerabilities and risks, classifying them by severity, such as high risk or medium risk. It will then offer a multi-step improvement plan to address each risk and help your workload fully comply with the Well-Architected Framework.

● High-risk issues are operational or architectural choices that the AWS WA Tool has determined might be significantly detrimental to your business. These elements may negatively impact operations, assets, or individuals.
● Medium-risk issues are operational or architectural choices that the WA Tool believes might risk your business, but to a lesser degree than high-risk issues. These issues may also have a lesser chance of negatively affecting operations, assets, and individuals.

After determining the risk points, follow the recommendations to eliminate vulnerabilities, implement improvements, and track progress for each step.
You can identify each step with one of five markers: None, Not Started, In Progress, Complete, and Risk Acknowledged.

The first four indicate risk mitigation progress markers, whereas Risk Acknowledged is a marker typically reserved for risks your business cannot mitigate, like accepting a specific risk point and accepting all potential outcomes as possibilities.

Work With an Experienced AWS Partner
WOLK Technology understands better than anyone else that today’s workflows must perform as expected around the clock, without interruptions. For this reason, we offer tailored solutions to help ensure your AWS business is secure, reliable, and free of unnecessary risks. Contact us today for more information.

How AWS Can Help with Disaster Recovery

One of the central tenets of the Well-Architected Framework is planning for failure. Even though the goal is to avoid problems, they will still occasionally occur. If you and your team have a clear goal in place following AWS guidelines, the failure will cost you less time.

The first steps to help with disaster recovery have to do with preparation. Have backups in place and create redundant workload components.

The Well-Architected Framework has laid out five best practices to help you plan for disaster recovery.

1. Define Recovery Objectives
Define your recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs) based on business goals. To create these objectives, break down your workload into categories of need. You’ll want to create five categories or less.

When determining your categories, consider whether the workload tools are internal or public. You will also want to identify the primary business driver and estimate the downtime’s impact on your business.

2. Meet Recovery Objectives
After creating your categories, you can design a disaster recovery (DR) plan that meets your objectives. Depending on the structure of your workload, you might require a multi-region strategy. AWS suggests several strategies of varying complexity and cost.

You can choose a simple backup and restore strategy, meaning you store your data in the DR region. In case of a disaster, you can restore RPO within hours and RTO within 24 hours.

The Pilot Light strategy lessens the recovery time by maintaining a small version of your core system in the DR region. RPO recovery time is minutes, and RTO is hours.

The Warm Standby strategy offers an even shorter recovery, achieving the RPO in seconds and the RTO in minutes. In this strategy, you keep a mini version of your full system always running in the DR region. In case of disaster, you can quickly increase its capacity to handle all your business’ needs.

The Multi-region Active-active strategy uses multiple AWS regions. If one region fails, you can redirect traffic to the other regions.

3. Test Disaster Recovery Implementation
Whichever strategy you choose, it’s critical to evaluate it regularly. Ensure that all backup systems are functioning and your plan meets your RPO and RTO in the correct amount of time.

4. Manage Configuration Drift
Keep an eye on your DR region, ensuring the infrastructure, data, and configuration are in good condition.

5. Automate Recovery
Use automated recovery systems like CloudEndure Disaster Recovery to remove the possibility of human error.

Schedule a Well-Architected Review
To ensure your strategies follow the guidelines of the Well-Architected Framework, schedule a Well-Architected Review. AWS Partner, WOLK can identify any issues in your designs and mitigate them for you.