AWS’s Approach to Achieving and Maintaining ISO 27001 and SOC Compliance

Two of the world’s most widely used data security standards are ISO 27001 and SOC Compliance Framework. They are two of the many global standards and frameworks Amazon has adopted as part of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Compliance Programs.

Amazon’s processes achieve and maintain compliance with these standards to ensure AWS customers benefit from strong data security practices and regulatory adherence.

How Amazon Complies with ISO/IEC 27001 Standards
ISO/IEC 27001 is among the world’s most widely-used information security management system (ISMS) standards. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is certified for compliance with ISO/IEC 27001:2013, the 2013 version of the standard.

Amazon’s internal processes for ensuring compliance consist of three elements:

1. Regular evaluations of current information security risks, threats, and vulnerabilities
2. Designing and implementing risk management procedures and other risk controls in accordance with ISO 27001 standards
3. Application of an overall risk management process to ensure current security controls meet Amazon’s needs

Independent third-party auditors conduct AWS’s ISO/IEC 27001:2013 audits to ensure an impartial certification process.

Controls and Measures Ensuring Amazon’s SOC Compliance
System and Organisation Controls (SOC) is a data security auditing standard created by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Service providers must adhere to the five Trust Service Criteria (TSC) to be SOC compliant: Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy.

As a cloud service provider, Amazon’s systems store large quantities of potentially sensitive data. Amazon certifies AWS is fully SOC compliant to ensure data safety, privacy, and protection for all AWS customers.

As with ISO/IEC 27001 standards, AWS receives periodic audits from independent third-party organisations to verify the firm’s adherence to SOC 2 standards. AWS customers can read SOC 1 and SOC 2 reports on AWS Artifact. SOC 3 reports are available publicly in whitepaper format.

Which AWS Regions are Covered by ISO 27001 and SOC Compliances?
AWS regions covered by ISO 27001 certification include 29 data centres worldwide and over 100 AWS Edge locations, ensuring AWS customers have access to an extensive range of ISO 27001-compliant regions.

The SOC 3 report details the list of SOC-compliant AWS regions. SOC-compliant data centres are available in over 20 countries and 140 Amazon Edge locations.

Learn More with an Experienced AWS Well-Architected Partner
Scheduling an AWS Well-Architected Review with experienced AWS partner WOLK Technology is the best solution to ensure the performance of your workflows. Contact us today to learn more.

About o.d.t Engineering

O.D.T. Engineering is based in SE Melbourne and specializes in the servicing, support, and supply of casting, material handling equipment, and production of consumables for aluminium and magnesium cast houses. With a foundation established in 1985, O.D.T. Engineering has garnered extensive experience and expertise in the industry, making it a trusted name among leading aluminium producers in Australia, New Zealand, China, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, India, Russia, and the Middle East and southern Africa.

Drivers to the Cloud

As O.D.T. Engineering expanded its operations and clientele, they realised that their existing on-premises infrastructure was becoming a bottleneck for growth. Managing the hardware, software updates, and data backups consumed valuable resources and time. They also faced challenges in ensuring seamless access to their line of business application, Syspro, for their employees working remotely. O.D.T. Engineering’s leadership understood that migrating to the cloud was the next logical step in their digital transformation journey. After careful evaluation of various cloud service providers, O.D.T. Engineering chose Amazon Web Services (AWS) as their preferred cloud platform. AWS’s robust and secure infrastructure, global reach, and extensive array of services perfectly aligned with their needs.

According to Harmony Prizeman, O.D.T.’s bookkeeper: “We were at a point where we had to upgrade to the latest version of Syspro. Additionally, our physical servers were close to their end of life. Taking both of these things into consideration, O.D.T. went down the path of cloud-based computing as an option rather than continuing with legacy physical servers.”

Why Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS’s compliance with industry standards and certifications assured O.D.T. Engineering that their sensitive data would remain secure. AWS is the preferred choice for SMBs due to its unmatched scalability, reliability, and extensive global infrastructure. With a vast array of services and pay-as-you-go pricing, AWS offers cost-effective solutions tailored to SMBs’ needs.

The Benefits of Working with AWS and WOLK Technology – WOLK Secure Modern Workplace

To execute a smooth and successful migration to the cloud, O.D.T. Engineering sought the assistance of an experienced AWS Advanced partner, WOLK Technology came highly recommended by other similar customers and ISV partners. WOLK Technology had an impeccable track record of helping businesses migrate to the cloud seamlessly, ensuring minimal disruptions during the transition phase.

The expertise of WOLK Technology’s team, combined with their hands-on approach to understanding o.d.t Engineering’s unique requirements, made them the perfect fit for the project. WOLK Technology’s comprehensive migration strategy involved meticulous planning, testing, and validation to minimize downtime and ensure data integrity.

WOLK Technology has experience working with LOB applications like Syspro and have a good working relationship with the consultants involved with the Syspro upgrade. This resulted in a smooth and rapid migration.

Strategies for Achieving Carbon Neutrality and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions on AWS

Amazon’s commitment to sustainability and carbon neutrality has helped ensure Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the world’s most sustainable cloud service providers.

Moving to AWS is one of the most efficient ways to ensure your business can reduce its carbon footprint. Discover the most efficient carbon neutrality strategies on AWS and how to implement them.

Workload Efficiency Optimisation
Numerous AWS services and features are designed to help you optimise your business’s resource utilisation, such as AWS EC2 Auto Scaling. You can also opt for serverless cloud computing solutions like AWS Lambda, reducing costs and resource usage by only paying for the code compute time.

Businesses using resource scaling, optimisation, and serverless computing can reduce their environmental impact. These solutions can lower your organisation’s carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, reduce overall energy consumption, and boost cost-effectiveness.

Selecting a Carbon-Free Region
AWS cloud services is divided into various geographic regions. While many other factors can affect your region choices, such as regulatory compliance, latency, and costs, choosing an AWS region that meets your sustainability goals is possible.

AWS offers multiple carbon-free regions, where data centres receive at least 95% of their power from renewable energy sources. Examples of highly sustainable AWS regions include the following:

● U.S. East: Northern Virginia and Ohio
● U.S. West: Northern California and Oregon
● GovCloud: US-East and US-West
● Canada (Central)
● Europe: Ireland, Frankfurt, London, Milan, Paris, Stockholm

Remember to check the AWS region you selected has the services and features you need to run your workloads. You can use the complete AWS Regional Services Lists to help you make the right choice.

Building Sustainable, Energy-Efficient Applications
Although simply migrating to AWS can help your business become more energy efficient, Amazon recommends following all aspects of the Sustainability pillar of its Well-Architected Framework for the best results.

One of the essential design principles of sustainability is “Understand your impact”. Tools such as the AWS Custom Carbon Footprint Tool are designed to let you track, measure, review, and predict your AWS usage’s carbon footprint. This tool’s information is invaluable to help you build more sustainable and energy-efficient applications.

Using Amazon instance types with the lowest environmental impact can also help reduce your applications’ carbon footprint. For example, consider transitioning away from x86-based EC2 instances in favour of AWS Graviton equivalents. These instances are powered using the energy-efficient Graviton2 and Graviton3 processors, designed to minimise energy consumption for the same or better performance.

Improve Your Company’s Sustainability Goals with WOLK
WOLK Technology offers tailored IT solutions to help your business meet your operational goals sustainably. We are a certified AWS Well-Architected Program partner with the resources to help you become compliant with the AWS Sustainability pillar. Contact us today to learn more.

Understanding the ISO 27001 and SOC Compliance Standards and Their Importance for AWS Customers

Organisations using Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a cloud provider must adhere to the latest data and information security standards. Two standards cover data safety and information security on AWS: ISO 27001 and the SOC Compliance Framework.

Understanding these standards is necessary for AWS customers to build a secure workplace environment.

The ISO 27001 Standard Explained
ISO/IEC 27001 is an international information security management systems (ISMS) standard. It is the world’s best-known ISMS standard and one of the most widely used. Conformity with the ISO/IEC 27001 standard is considered one of the most efficient methods to build an organisation’s resilience against cyber threats of all types.

ISO/IEC 27001 provides organisations with internationally recognised methods to build, implement, maintain, and improve an ISMS. It provides a comprehensive, systematic approach to protecting organisational data and information assets, ensuring safety, integrity, and confidentiality without compromising availability.

Amazon Web Services is certified for compliance with ISO/IEC 27001:2013, the 2013 version of the standard. Most Amazon services, including EC2, S3, Lambda, and Macie, are compliant with ISO/IEC 27001:2013.

What is the SOC Compliance Framework?
The System and Organisation Controls (SOC) Compliance Framework was developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

It is a data security framework designed to protect organisations’ customer data from vulnerabilities, theft, unauthorised access, and other security incidents. The framework assesses an organisation’s data management based on five criteria: security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.

Most AWS services are SOC-compliant, including Amazon Redshift, GuardDuty, FSx, and WorkSpaces.

Why ISO 27001 and SOC Compliance Matter to AWS Customers
Compliance with these standards helps AWS customers build and maintain data security within their workflow and AWS ecosystems. Besides strong data security and effective risk management, adherence to these standards provides multiple additional benefits:

● Many industries impose specific data security and privacy requirements. Ensuring your AWS workflows comply with ISO 27001 and SOC can give you the peace of mind you meet these requirements and remain in line with your industry’s regulations.
● AWS customers complying with ISO 27001 and SOC standards can provide security reassurances to their partners and stakeholders. Adopting these internationally recognised standards demonstrates your dedication to data security.
● ISO 27001 and SOC compliance can give AWS customers a competitive edge. It showcases your commitment to protecting data, which can help privacy-minded customers choose your offerings or entrust their data to you.

Boost Organisational Data Security with WOLK
Security is at the forefront of all successful organisations. As an AWS Well-Architected Program Partner, WOLK has the resources to help you comply with data security standards and frameworks for your AWS environment. Contact WOLK today for a free review.

About Milestones Technology Group

Milestones Technology Group (MTG) is a leading Australian technology solutions provider. They offer cutting-edge IT services, AI consulting, cloud solutions, cybersecurity, managed services, and software development. Their team delivers personalized solutions, driving digital transformation for businesses globally.

Their recently established AI/ML Consulting services includes free workshops and presentations of possible AI solutions to alleviate businesses’ pain points, across all industries which presents further opportunities to leverage AWS solutions

Transition to the Cloud

MTG collaborates with multiple Tech Start-Ups and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) as their outsourced technology partner. They provide strategic consulting, program/project management, IT operations management, and applications development and management services. Among their clients is a company in the Care Sector of Australia, offering several products.

When conducting organisational scans/needs analysis, MTG recommends business transformation solutions such as skills uplift, software and AI solutions, dashboard reporting, cloud services etc.

One of their key clients had a SaaS product hosted with another cloud provider. During the organisational scan, MTG was given a long list of challenges that they faced with that provider. To address this, MTG conducted an evaluation of different cloud options and suggested migrating the workload to Amazon Web Services (AWS). This was completed successfully and continues to deliver a stable, scalable and secure environment for the SaaS product users.

Why Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS offers several compelling reasons to choose it as MTG’s preferred cloud hosting platform. Firstly, AWS boasts a robust and mature infrastructure with a global presence, ensuring high availability and low-latency access to your web applications worldwide. With an extensive range of services, AWS provides scalable solutions, allowing you to easily accommodate fluctuating traffic and only pay for the resources you consume.

AWS having local data centres within the country meant that MTG could meet data sovereignty and data residency requirements with confidence.

AWS also offers a vast ecosystem of tools and integrations, enabling seamless deployment and management of web applications. Its comprehensive security measures and compliance certifications instill confidence in the safety of your data and applications. The scalability of AWS allows MTG to easily adjust their resources based on demand, optimizing performance and cost-effectiveness.

The Benefits of Working with AWS and WOLK Technology

Working in tandem with WOLK Technology and AWS has proven highly advantageous for MTG, offering a host of valuable benefits. One of the most significant advantages is the acceleration of their time to market. By teaming up with WOLK Technology, MTG can guarantee a tested, repeatable, secure and proven environment to their clients. This streamlined focus empowers them to swiftly bring their innovative solutions to market.

The collaboration with WOLK and AWS brings the added benefit of Well-Architected guidance. WOLK is a proven global leader when it comes to the AWS Well Architected Framework. This invaluable expertise ensures that MTG’s solutions not only meet but exceed the high-quality standards expected by their customers.

Another crucial advantage lies in the emphasis on operational automation from the very outset of their cloud-based ventures. By incorporating best-practice operational automation right from the start, MTG is well-positioned to handle growth and scalability without facing avoidable operational hurdles down the road.

Business continuity is part of the managed service – we utilize WOLK’s Managed Business Continuity-as-a-Service (MBCaas) to automate our Business Continuity Plan (BCP), reducing management overhead and saving costs. WOLK tailored our BCP to match our RTO and RPO requirements as well as the desired business outcomes with regards to costs.

In essence, the collaboration with WOLK and AWS empowers MTG to thrive in the competitive landscape of cloud computing. It allows them to expedite their product development and delivery process, deliver top-notch solutions to their customers, and ensure smooth operational scalability.

Looking Forward

With WOLK Technology, MTG can anticipate a promising array of opportunities and advantages. As a Well-Architected Partner Program collaborator, MTG gains access to expert guidance and best practices for building high-quality solutions on AWS. This guidance ensures that MTG can meet their customers’ expectations effectively and deliver exceptional value through their cloud-based offerings as security and technology evolves and changes.

WOLK Technology’s expertise in managing cloud environments also relieves MTG from the burdens of routine operational tasks, allowing them to focus on core business activities and product innovation. By entrusting the undifferentiated heavy lifting of cloud management to WOLK, MTG can reduce time-to-market and seize opportunities swiftly, positioning themselves ahead of the competition.

Furthermore, the collaboration with WOLK Technology opens doors to new avenues of growth and expansion. Leveraging the power of AWS and the support of WOLK’s operational automation, MTG has successfully launched several other workloads for their other customers.