colleagues checking server with laptop

Overview of Ensuring Systems Reliability under AWS

Overview of Ensuring Systems Reliability under AWS Reliability is an essential component of a well-functioning workload. A reliable system or workload performs its duties correctly and at the right time, meaning you can turn your focus to other bu...

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Cloud Reliability: The Five AWS Design Principles

Cloud Reliability: The Five AWS Design Principles The third pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework is reliability. It deals with ensuring that your workloads and applications produce the same results every time. Using the five design pri...

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Failure Management and AWS: How to Withstand and Repair Problems

Failure Management and AWS: How to Withstand and Repair Problems Every system will encounter problems and occasionally fail. What makes a system reliable is its ability to react quickly and efficiently to failures. The goal is to create a work...

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The 5 Design Principles for Cost Optimisation Using AWS

The 5 Design Principles for Cost Optimisation Using AWS WOLK is a leading partner of AWS Well-Architected Framework and is certified to perform reviews that identify weaknesses in your cloud-based system. The five pillars of AWS include operati...

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Identity and Access Management: Permissions and Identification

Identity and Access Management: Permissions and Identification AWS Well-Architected Framework is a system used to identify the at-risk areas in your company's infrastructure. AWS ensures your applications are using the five pillars of operational ...

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colleagues checking server with laptop

The 7 Design Principles for Cloud Security Under AWS

The 7 Design Principles for Cloud Security Under AWS Security, the second pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework, contains seven design principles. By adhering to these guidelines, you can increase the strength of your cloud security, and pr...

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