Digital healthcare in Australia is advancing quickly, with exciting developments such as the modernisation of the government’s My Health Record system and the growing popularity of telehealth services. These changes highlight the increasing importance of secure, purpose-built infrastructure in the healthcare sector.

For Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), having secure, high-performance IT infrastructure is crucial for deploying healthcare software and complying with regulations. Partnering with an AWS specialist like WOLK can help you manage, set up, and optimise a secure cloud-based infrastructure that meets all your needs.

Why High-Performance IT Infrastructure Is Crucial for Healthcare ISVs

High-performance IT infrastructure includes powerful cloud computing servers, platforms, storage solutions, and networking tools. For ISVs in the healthcare industry, this kind of infrastructure is essential for hosting and delivering software to hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities.

Healthcare software providers need reliable, high-performance infrastructure to ensure their software and client facilities run smoothly. This infrastructure keeps everything running at top speed, with maximum uptime and efficient data delivery—ultimately improving patient care and operational efficiency. 

In addition, cloud-based solutions are often more cost-effective than managing independent, on-premises servers, which require pricey hardware and dedicated IT specialists at each facility.

How Cloud Technology Simplifies Integration and Setup

ISVs use cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) to host and deliver their services because of the numerous benefits these technologies offer. Cloud computing simplifies the integration and setup of software solutions in several key ways:

  • Scalability. ISVs can easily scale their resources up or down based on their clients’ needs without any service disruption. This approach is much more flexible and quicker than traditional on-premises solutions, which usually involve installing or removing hardware to adjust capacity.
  • Real-time data processing. Cloud services enable real-time data processing and analysis, which is crucial for healthcare applications that demand instant access to patient information. For instance, during emergency room visits or when monitoring critical care patients, healthcare providers need immediate access to the latest medical records and vital signs to make quick, life-saving decisions.
  • Virtualisation. Cloud infrastructure provides ISVs access to virtual computers and operating systems, ensuring their software runs smoothly across various devices and enabling quicker deployment.

Staying Compliant and Secure With Advanced IT Solutions

Australian healthcare facilities must comply with various regulations, from the nationwide Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) to each state’s Health Records Acts. To ensure compliance, Healthcare ISVs use the latest IT infrastructure solutions. They offer benefits like:

  • Built-in compliance. The latest-generation IT infrastructure includes built-in compliance features, allowing ISVs to easily deploy compliant software.
  • Disaster recovery tools. ISVs can use their IT platform’s automated backups, failover systems, and encryption protocols to protect and recover healthcare data after a breach.
  • Secure storage. Compliant infrastructure also offers ISVs real-time data security at rest and in transit. These solutions protect client healthcare facilities from man-in-the-middle attacks and other intrusions.

Secure Your Future in Digital Healthcare With WOLK

WOLK’s AWS team has in-depth knowledge of cloud-based infrastructure and can help you set up the secure, high-performance servers you need. Contact our team today to discuss your cloud security needs.