Hello, AWS Enthusiasts!

Buckle up, because today we’re diving into a topic that might just save your AWS account from a financial nosedive. Spoiler alert: cost is more than just that line item your finance team grumbles about — it’s actually one of your most effective security measures. Yes, you read that right! Your budget is about to become your new favorite security feature.

Security by Design: The Wallet Factor

Let’s be real. When most of us think about AWS security, we think of IAM policies, encryption keys, or maybe that security guru in the office who speaks in acronyms (we see you, CISSP holders). But here’s a twist: cost—that’s right, the dollars and cents—is one of the most underrated, yet powerful, security tools at your disposal.

Imagine your AWS account as a shiny new sports car. It’s fast, sleek, and can take you places, but if you leave the keys out, it’s bound to get taken for a joyride. Now, think of your AWS budget as the fuel gauge. If the tank is low, that joyride isn’t going very far. In other words, keeping an eye on your AWS costs is like keeping an eye on the fuel gauge — runaway costs could be a sign that something (or someone) is joyriding your cloud resources!

The Cost-Awareness Security Model (CASM™) [Not Actually Trademarked]

In a world where everyone is looking for the next big thing, we bring you a groundbreaking (and completely made-up) security model: CASM™. The basic principle? If something costs you more than expected, it might just be a security incident in disguise.

  • Unintended EC2 Instances: Spinning up instances can be as easy as clicking a button (or, unfortunately, as easy as a poorly secured API call). Those unexpected instances might just be an intruder—or worse, a misconfigured auto-scaling group gone rogue. Your wallet will notice before you do.
  • S3 Storage Sprawl: You know the drill—set it and forget it. Until, of course, your S3 bucket starts bulging at the seams with data you didn’t know existed. If you’re suddenly paying for more storage than you planned, it’s time to investigate.
  • Mysterious Data Transfers: Data moving where it shouldn’t? If your data transfer costs are rising faster than a SpaceX rocket, it’s worth checking if your data is being shared with the right people—or if someone’s siphoning it off.

The Red Flags of Your AWS Bill

AWS bills don’t lie. They might confuse, they might even intimidate, but they don’t lie. Here’s how to read between the (billing) lines:

  • Spikes in Cost: A sudden spike in costs is like that weird sound your car makes before it breaks down. Don’t ignore it.
  • Unusual Patterns: Is there a sudden uptick over the weekend when no one should be working? Or on a holiday? Unless your services are haunted, it’s worth looking into.
  • Service Usage Anomalies: Discovering a new service on your bill is like finding a strange charge on your credit card statement—who ordered this, and why?

Proactive Budgeting: The Unsung Hero

Now that you’re convinced cost is your secret security weapon, let’s talk prevention. Setting up AWS Budgets and Cost Alerts can turn you into the Sherlock Holmes of your cloud infrastructure. If something’s amiss, you’ll get the alert before things get out of hand. Think of it as your AWS account’s panic button — only without the red flashing lights.

Wrap-Up: Don’t Let Cost-Security Fall Through the Cracks

In conclusion, keeping your AWS costs in check is not just a matter of saving money—it’s a crucial part of your security strategy. By monitoring your spend, you’re also monitoring the health of your environment. So, the next time you review your AWS bill, don’t just cringe—look at it as your first line of defense.

Fill in your email below and click subscribe to get access to our FREE configuration mechanism to help you quickly and effortlessly set your Budget and Alerting.

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You will receive an email with instructions on how to implement this, alternatively you can book a free session and we’ll help you implement it.
Our rule of thumb is to take the average of your last 6 months of bills, multiple it by 1.2x and set that as your budget. Obviously if you are growing please allow for the growth phase and revisit your budget as often as is required.

P.S. Did you know you can set up cost alerts in the AWS Management Console? Because nothing says peace of mind like knowing your credit card is safe from unexpected AWS surprises.

P.P.S. If your AWS bill was a horror movie this month, don’t worry—we’ve all been there. Please schedule a free Cost Optimization call with Brian – brian@wolk.com.au if you need any assistance or you would just like to have a chat.

Until next time, keep it secure (and affordable)!